Friday, January 26, 2018

Fourth Major-Comic Art

Our major for today is totally different and weird: it's called Comic art. What does it mean? What are the related courses to it?


Comic art is the creation of stylized or simplified drawings for the purpose of telling a story, making a point, or making people laugh. In this major, students are taught to gain command of line, color, and composition, as well as character development. A good example on comic art is comic books. A comic book is a magazine made up of a series of comic strips. These comic strip themes offer opportunities for jokes, self-contained messages, political humors, different realities, and educational tidbits of history and historical facts. Below you'll find a video on how to draw spider man in comic book style.

Courses related to Comic Art

Here is a list of the courses a student take while studying comic art: History of Comic Art, Comic Media and Concepts, Comic Book Publishing: Print and web and Comic Storytelling.

Qualifications you need to be a comic artist

The most important skill you need is artistic ability and a natural talent for drawing, followed closely by the ability to conceptualize. You should also have creativity, imagination and interpersonal skills especially while creating new characters. For the comic book artist, he should know how to draw the human body accurately.
Artists must also be able to write stories that make readers want to continue reading when making self-published comic in particular.

List of some comic arts


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