Thursday, January 25, 2018

Third Major-Social Worker

Hello friends, I want to thank you for all your feedbacks sent to my email ( I received an email asking me to list the social worker major inside my blog. Miss Elise Eid is a social worker for three years now, so I asked her to send a summary about her major. And this is what I received.

Who's a social worker?

According to Miss Eid, a social worker is concerned with helping individuals, families, groups and communities to face all their psycho-social issues such as poverty, violence, learning difficulties, trisomy and much more…
In addition to helping them to develop their skills and their ability to use their own resources “don’t give me a fish but teach me how to fish”.

What does a social worker do?

Firstly, he should identify people who need help, then prepare an assessment about their needs, situations and strengths to work on developing them. He must also know their goals, in addition to their beliefs and principles.
Secondly, he prepares plans with the clients to improve their well-being, so they can adjust to changes and challenges in their lives such as illness, divorce, physical issues… After that, he refers the clients to the appropriate communities and schools.
Finally, after working according to the plan, the social worker must follow up with clients to ensure that their situations have improved. And the most important step is the evaluation of the services provided to ensure that they are affective, so they can modify, adjust or change the conditions of the plan.

Social work with individuals

Social work with individuals is one of the main parts of a generalist approach to social work practice. This part of social work focuses on working on the individual skills so they can help themselves and face all the changes on their lives.

Now what about a family social worker?

Family social workers provide services to families that need help in fixing problems that interfere with family harmony. Typically, families that need this kind of help have severe problems that they can’t solve by themselves such as financial problems, unhealthy relationships, medical problems, stress, etc... A family social worker focuses on the one who’s most facing these problems and their impact on the family, so the social worker can help all the family members through this member and ensure good relations in the family.
By making plans and helping families utilize services available to them, family social workers will often have the satisfaction of witnessing these families get back on the right track.

Social work with groups

Social work groups are therapeutic groups with two or more patients. They create a protective environment in which individuals have space to confront and share some of the issues they face such as  cancer, visual impairment , aging, etc. After finding common issues, patients are addressed in a group setting. These groups will teach patients how to connect with each other and to learn techniques to establish a group mood that is supportive and understanding.
In Addition, groups are educational as well; they might teach patients about a certain condition or a situation like addiction, diabetes, drugs… through awareness sessions.
Furthermore, a group social worker must encourage patients to ask questions and establish a supportive, nonjudgmental environment that is mutually beneficial to all participants.

Social work with environment

The environmental social work assists humanity to create and maintain a biodiversity planetary ecosystem. Social work values, skills and knowledge can be adapted to promote social change, helping people to respond to the environmental degradation.


In a world filled with injustice, incredibly complex, and pressing challenges, we need people who are committed to making a difference in the lives of others. For these reasons, social workers step in.

Today’s social workers are concerned with the complex relationship between private personal troubles, and public issues. At the end, social workers try to discover the main cause behind the case to solve it while progressing.

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