Tuesday, January 30, 2018

Popular Major: Business Management & Administration

Whatever your career is, you were a student one day don't forget that. Before choosing the major, we did our best to find the highest rated job availability when we finished our education. One of the most popular major, the business administration and management.

Why choosing this major?

If you're planning to be a good manager or supervisor; I think this will be the best choice. With this major, you'll be trained to build your own company from the early beginning. In addition, you'll understand each product, its popularity, and where to target it.You'll also learn to design your own product in case you want to sell it in the near future. 
After this, moving to the production process is very important: estimating the number of products you should produce, how to work with people, and finally making the right decisions for company development.
This will include organizing the right people by giving them specific tasks, managing business assets, and making decisions that drive the business to meet its goals in the fastest way.
Finally, to be a successful business administrator you must make sure to implement internal organization inside your business so it can adapt to any external change using one of the following schools: Fayolism OR Taylorism .

Schools of business adminitration

Fayolism and Taylorism are two schools of Business administration. Each school has its own way of management; Fayolism includes planning at first in order to schedule the actions of the company in the future. Once you put a plan, you should organize your resources and make sure that people are available to give them specific tasks. The third point in this school is commanding, where the manager should lead his employees to fulfill the plans. Of course such a manager has a high capability in coordination while working together to reach the goals. And lastly, the organization reviews its performance.

Taylorism main idea was to break each action, job and task onto small and simple segments that can be easily analyzed and taught. This will minimize skill requirements and job learning time without forgetting that it produces maximum efficiency.

Median Annual Salary

Referring to https://www.allbusinessschools.com/business-administration/salary/ here is a list of the median salaries of popular career in business administration:

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